An Integrative Approach To Our Health Helps Us Enjoy A Pleasant Life. Here Are Some Suggestions:

Stay thin : it is clear that staying at the ideal weight helps reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, certain joint disorders and even some types of cancer. Physical activity also has a preventive effect in addition to reducing insomnia and helping us to channel stress better. So if you do not have medical contraindications for it, I recommend you to include sports routines and a balanced diet.

 Meditate : meditation, which involves paying attention to experiences of the moment, such as your breathing and bodily sensations, helps you to reduce anxiety and the way you perceive stress, improving your sleep hours. Try to meditate, even a few minutes, every day.

 Practice Taichi : this is a type of Chinese martial art that consists in the realization of certain postures and movements focused on concentrating the energy to release it in combat. There is also chi kung that has no martial applications and focuses solely on improving physical and mental health. Both aim to develop greater elasticity, promote circulation and awareness of our body, helping to improve mood and sleep.

Other techniques of this type, developed in Western culture, are the Feldenkrais method, which allows to become aware of the body through coordinated movements and pay attention to the motor and sensory activity of this, as well as Pilates. Both techniques can be performed individually or in groups and contribute to the flexibility and strength of your body.

Eat correctly : with regard to supplements that are sold without a prescription I would like to clarify that, unless expressly indicated by your doctor, you choose to obtain the nutrients your body needs from a balanced diet. I suggest you put aside high-calorie foods with little nutritional value and choose those that are rich in vitamins and minerals, with no “hollow” calories. The nutsFor example, they are an excellent source of energy that gives you vitality while helping you reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. Dark green leafy vegetables provide the vitamins and minerals that your body requires to function properly. Before leaving the pharmacy with a bag full of jars with different supplements, I would like you to try to choose fruits and vegetables of all colors to combine them in cheerful dishes; attractive both for the eyes and the palate.

With this integrative approach to your health, taking care of your body and your mind, I am sure that you will face yourself day by day with better humor and you will enjoy every moment that life offers you.
