Integrative Approach To Improve Women’s Health

We already know the advantages of having more than 50 ; your life experience allows you to better understand your environment and act with greater wisdom. However, it is also a reality that to have a good quality of life you must pay more attention to your mind and your body.

About 70 million women in the United States have more than 50. From this age certain conditions become statistically more frequent; cardiovascular disease, cancer and arthritis, among other conditions, can substantially impair your physical and emotional well-being.

The good news is that you can reduce your risk. Although we can not modify our genetics, it is possible to change our habits and see our health from an integrative perspective.

What Is Integrative Health?

It is important to understand the meaning of “integrative”. There is confusion between some practices that are used in relation to health care. The term “alternative”, for example, refers to those therapeutic options that are outside of Western, conventional or allopathic medicine. These include the use of multiple herbs, vitamins and minerals, as well as acupuncture, meditation or other options of oriental medicine that seek to relieve symptoms without resorting to conventional medicine.

Another term that you have probably heard is “complementary”, which implies the use of certain additional options to conventional medicine. The National Center of Complementary and Integral Health , chose to homogenize the terminology and refer to integrative medicine as the integral approach of the human being, which implies their physical and mental health and the inclusion of the different therapies available, conventional and not, for their wellness.

Women’s Integrative Health

This is exactly the approach I would like to delve into: consider the physical and emotional aspects that a woman of 50 years or more goes through and look for ways to achieve an excellent quality of life.

In this stage, women face multiple changes that we can not avoid: the ” empty nest ” syndrome , when the children leave home to start their own flight; Thanks to the increase in life expectancy, many of us have the privilege of being able to continue enjoying the existence of our parents, who increasingly depend on us. To this are added the changes in our health that are presented, many times, unexpectedly. All the above generates stress, which added to the changes in the production of female hormones, literally takes away our sleep.
